Автоматическийобзор ASAS 20.01.06 открыл новую карликовую новую в созвездии Кита. Про неё пока ничего конкретного не известно, ясно только, что это достойная цель для наблюдений!

25 Birch Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
aavso@aavso.org Tel. 617-354-0484 Fax 617-354-0665
AAVSO ALERT NOTICE 333 (January 21, 2006)
SUBJECT: Possible New Dwarf Nova in Cet (ASAS023322)
Bogumil Pilecki, Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory,
reports on a possible new nova or dwarf nova discovered by the
ASAS3V instrument. Coordinates by David Boyd (BDG) using
UCAC2 as reference are:
RA: 02:33:21.398 +/- 0.07 Decl.: -10:47:04.55 +/- 0.07 (J2000)
The previously unobserved object was first detected by ASAS3V
on Jan 20.121 UT at magnitude 12.08 in V.
The new object has been confirmed by the following AAVSO
Jan 21.779 12.58 +/- 0.02 CCD V David Boyd England
Jan 21.9136 13.18 +/- N/A CCD Unfiltered Diego Rodriguez Spain
Jan 21.96 12.5 +/- N/A CCD V Cristovao Jacques Brazil
Jan 22.0882 12.7 Visual Dan Taylor Canada
Jan 22.1490 12.99 +/- 0.01 CCD Unfiltered Tom Krajci USA
Time series observations by Tom Krajci do not reveal any short
term modulation at this time, however the data set is short. Please
take CCD time series observations for as long as possible in the
next few days and submit your observations to the AAVSO. If this is
a UGWZ type dwarf nova then superhumps will be detected, and a
change in their hase may be detected early in the outburst. Visual
observations are requested to monitor the star's long term behavior.
Spectroscopic observations would also help to determine the star's type.
Pilecki reports that one star is located close to this position
in the USNOB catalog:
# id| RA| DEC| B1| R1| B2|
0792-0024872 02:33:21.3620 -10:47:04.940 18.180 18.620 19.340 19.15
AAVSO e-scale charts with a sequence by B. Sumner have been prepared
by A. Price and B. Stine and are available at this URL:
http://www.aavso.org/cgi-bin/searchcharts3.pl?name=ASAS023322 An AAVSO light curve is available at this URL:
http://tinyurl.com/a2jdv Until a more formal designation is assigned, submit data to
the AAVSO as "ASAS023322" with a designation of 9999+99.
A web page coordinating this campaign will be created and posted to
www.aavso.org in the next couple of days. Discussion is requested to
take place on the AAVSO Photometry discussion group.
This campaign will be coordinated by Aaron P. (
This Alert Notice was prepared by: Aaron P.
Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:
http://www.aavso.org/observing/submit/If you cannot access this URL, please contact us for submission details.
You may also use our charge-free number (888-802-STAR = 888-802-7827) or
our fax (617-354-0665) to report your observations.
An Alert Notice archive is available at the following URL:
http://www.aavso.org/publications/alerts/Subscribing and Unsubscribing may be done at the following URL:
http://www.aavso.org/publications/email/Many thanks for your valuable astronomical contributions and your efforts.
Good observing!