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Бобек - ИМХО засветку могут рубильником
денег хватит, а грязный воздух куда денут? Но если учесть что это исключительно образовательный комплекс, то всё ОК - детям знания нужны, а красивые картинки возьмут в сети.
Новая обсерватория в Алма-Ате?2009 June - New planetarium and observatory complex for scholars in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan’s nongovernmental charity foundation “Bobek” established new educational center for wunderkinds in Almaty. The center includes Planetarium – Observatory complex for studying of astronomy discipline of school program. The complex equipped with latest, state of the art Zeiss’ opto-mechanical projection system model SKYMASTER ZKP 4 with professional acoustic system and completely robotized Cassegrain telescope reflector with main mirror of 600mm model ALT-AZ 600 and synchronized astrodome. It is great opportunity for scholars to get knowledge of astronomy with direct connection to universe.
Almaty observatory and planetarium. Courtesy: Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
2009 April - Telescope installation in Kazakhstan
We have installed our latest telescope - 0.6m Alt-Az - and the customer's Ash dome in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The dome is fully integrated in the system and controlled by the telescope's TCS.
2009 March - New Almaty observatory
The building for our most recent 0.6m telescope in Almaty/Kasakhstan is nearly finished. In spring we will be able to install this new Zeiss-telescope and its dome next to a Zeiss planetarium.
Almaty observatory and planetarium. Courtesy: Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH