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А вот и оригинальный текст Циркуляра IUA №8625:
S/2005 P 1 AND S/2005 P 2
H. A. Weaver, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins
University; and S. A. Stern, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) --
on behalf of a team including M. J. Mutchler (Space Telescope
Science Institute), A. J. Steffl (SwRI), M. W. Buie (Lowell
Observatory), and W. J. Merline, J. R. Spencer, E. F. Young, and
L. A. Young (SwRI) -- report the discovery of two new satellites of
Pluto. The objects, provisionally designated S/2005 P 1 and S/2005
P 2, were clearly detected (S/N > 35) in two different Hubble Space
Telescope ACS/WFC images on May 15.05 and 18.14 UT. On May 15,
S/2005 P 1 was 1".85 (1.85 arcsec) from the center of Pluto in p.a.
264.2 deg, and S/2005 P 2 was 2".09 from Pluto in p.a. 326.9 deg.
On May 18, the locations were 2".36 in p.a. 305.8 deg and 2".22 in
p.a. 355.5 deg. The two objects have roughly comparable brightness,
with V = 22.96 +/- 0.15 for S/2005 P 1 and V = 23.41 +/- 0.15 for
S/2005 P 2. Unique orbits cannot be calculated from the available
data, but the measured positions are consistent with nearly
circular orbits in the orbital plane of Pluto I (Charon). On this
assumption, preliminary orbital solutions yield a = 64700 +/- 850
km and P = 38.2 +/- 0.8 days for S/2005 P 1, and a = 49400 +/- 600
km and P = 25.5 +/- 0.5 days for S/2005 P 2. Examination of
archival HST ACS/HRC data taken on 2002 June 14 (PI: M. W. Buie)
shows two objects near the locations predicted by these orbits,
providing independent support for the satellite detections. A
search over the entire orbital stability zone (+/- 100" around
Pluto) does not show any other potential satellites to a limiting
magnitude of V about 27.1 (5-sigma). For additional information,