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От: Stupendous_Mn
IOTAoccultations@yahoogroups.comНаписано: 14 октября 2007 г., 22:54:03
Тема: [IOTAoccultations] Photometry from John Grismore's record of Pluto appulse
John Grismore wrote a few weeks ago:
> On 9/27/07 I recorded an hour of video of SAO160793 near Pluto's
> close approach to that star.
John has since posted the light curves of this star
to the "Photos" section of the IOTAoccultations home page.
John kindly sent me some subsections of his entire video record
so that I could analyze them independently. I concentrated on
just one small section, a clip one minute long (called "clip18"
on John's DVD). You can read my report at
http://spiff.rit.edu/richmond/occult/pluto_sep2007/pluto_sep2007.html My (weak) conclusion is that the measurements during this one short
clip do not show a real change in the target star's brightness
due to any sort of occultation. However, the measurements are
noisy enough that I can't draw any firm conclusions. I suspect
that the rest of the video might be similarly inconclusive ...
though, again, that's speculation.